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Project "Ecologically sustainable welfare state"

Project Title

The role of the welfare state in the socio-ecological transformation


The study outlines the foundations of an ecologically sustainable welfare state. It shows the extent to which the welfare state, as an important actor in a successful socio-ecological transformation, can improve peoples living conditions, guarantee crisis resistance and at the same time reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, the expansion of public services and infrastructures as well as labour market policy play a special role. The study takes into account aspects of the interdependence of social and climate policy issues as comprehensively as possible. It looks at how climate change and climate protection measures affect different groups of people in the short and longer term, which social policy instruments are suitable for responding to new social risks, and which welfare state measures have a direct or indirect influence on Austrian greenhouse gas emissions.

In cooperation with the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), abif is preparing a scientific publication, the central contents of which will be included in the Austrian Social Report 2024 ("Sozialbericht 2024”). In addition, abif is organising a stakeholder workshop with experts from different areas related to the welfare state and is participating in an accompanying project advisory board.

Project Management

Mag.a Andrea Egger, Dr. Margit Schratzenstaller, MA

Project Team

Mag.a Julia Bock-Schappelwein, Dr. Katharina Falkner, Dr. Angela Köppl, Mag.a Claudia Liebeswar, MA, Wolfgang Mayer, MA, Mag.a Christine Mayrhuber, Priv.-Doz.Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Franz Sinabell

Project Start


Project End


Project Initiator

Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz (BMSGPK), Abteilung für soziale Innovation

Project Partner(s)